Monday, October 12, 2009

How much of time do You spend...?

It’s Monday, today was a blessed day…..Hope yours was as well, if not, you still need to Thank God & Hope for a better tomorrow.

How much of your time do you think about “What other people think about you AND what you are doing, wearing, looking like, dating etc?” Do you realize; all the time that you are spending, thinking about what others think of you… You could be taking action, making plans, and fulfilling your purpose. In life, we as a people have become so desensitized to these sick and twisted images and figures. Be real with and too yourself, take some time to truly think about what I am saying……every time you find yourself doing the above, write it down in addition to writing down 1 thing that you want to accomplish in life. The accomplishment must be something that will benefit more than just you…….Bless others, pay it forward!

Love Ya, Love Me....FatFitandGlamGirl

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