Saturday, November 28, 2009

It has been sometime, since I have updated my Blog...
I have been coming up with my game plan on how I will become Fit, however not compromising my girlish figure! I loves it! For real! To be Beautiful in Christ is all that I ask... working from the inside out!

Love Ya, Love Me....FatFitandGlamGirl

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ok, so I have not updated a post since the 15th. What the heck in the world...Right? Ok, well you know how they say "If you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". Talk about character building exercises! The last 10 days have been very enlightening, trying and emotional. Thank GOD for another Birthday, a lesson and a Gift. "The best gifts are those given by God" and we must not only appreciate them, we must master them and share them with the world as intended. You are a Gift, Life is a Gift.

"We are all small fragments of God; living this human experience, all while God Lives within, seeing and feeling all that you are and do, He is there"

Love Ya, Love Me....FatFitandGlamGirl

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ok, so it has been a heck of a week, thus far….Keeping it together and staying focused. I want to be the Thermostat and not the Thermometer… Get it? Don’t let others control your moods or temperament… You be in control by letting Jesus take the Wheel! Love Ya, Love Me....FatFitandGlamGirl

Monday, October 12, 2009

How much of time do You spend...?

It’s Monday, today was a blessed day…..Hope yours was as well, if not, you still need to Thank God & Hope for a better tomorrow.

How much of your time do you think about “What other people think about you AND what you are doing, wearing, looking like, dating etc?” Do you realize; all the time that you are spending, thinking about what others think of you… You could be taking action, making plans, and fulfilling your purpose. In life, we as a people have become so desensitized to these sick and twisted images and figures. Be real with and too yourself, take some time to truly think about what I am saying……every time you find yourself doing the above, write it down in addition to writing down 1 thing that you want to accomplish in life. The accomplishment must be something that will benefit more than just you…….Bless others, pay it forward!

Love Ya, Love Me....FatFitandGlamGirl

The Love of Self...

Do we realize, that if we do not truly love ourselves, we are telling God that he did not do a good enough JOB when He took His time to construct the person or people that we are today. It is amazing to me how society allows such a false since of "perception" of what a real woman is!

Love Ya, Love Me...Fat Fit & Glam Girl